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发布日期:2009-12-27 16:19:00 来源:昂立
  In a normal recession, the to-do list is clear. Copies of Keynes are dusted off, the Fed lowers interest rates, the president and Congress cut taxes and hike spending. In time, purchasing, production and loans perk up, and Keynes is placed back on the shelf. No larger alterations to the economy are made, because our economy, but for the occasional bump in the road, is fundamentally sound.

  This has been the drill in every recession since World War II.

  Republicans and Democrats argue over whose taxes should be cut the most and which projects should be funded, but, under public pressure to do something, they usually find some mutually acceptable midpoint and enact a stimulus package. Even in today's hyperpartisan Washington, the odds still favor such a deal.

  This time, though, don't expect that to be the end of the story -- because the coming recession will not be normal, and our economy is not fundamentally sound. This time around, the nation will have to craft new versions of some of the reforms that Franklin Roosevelt created to steer the nation out of the Great Depression


  hyperpartisan Washington:hyper-,极度的;partisan,党派人士。意指极度拥护自己所属党派而反对其他党派,一意孤行甚而想至其他党派于死地的党派人士。强硬的党派人士。Hyperpartisan Washionton, 位于华盛顿总部的各个强硬党派。

  Franklin Roosevelt created to steer the nation out of the Great Depression:罗斯福(1882-1945),美国第32任总统。20世纪30年代其执政期间正值美国经济大萧条,其临危受命,通过“新政”大规模地首次尝试实行了一套“反危机”的方法,留下了一个耐人寻味的成功先例。罗斯福应对危机的一系列政策后来被称作“新政”(NewDeal),其核心是三个R:改革(Reform)、复兴(Recovery)和救济(Relief)。罗斯福新政的第一个阶段,即改革,使政府整顿金融体系,充分恢复货币调节经济的润滑作用;同时,帮助就业,增加消费,刺激生产,实现均衡发展。第二阶段,即复兴,他制定了旨在整顿工业的《全国产业复兴法》。第三阶段救济的主要方面是以工代赈,罗斯福上任后倾注了极大的力量兴办大规模的公共工程,以扩大政府开支来弥补私人投资下降而出现的空白,并解决部分就业问题,而非单纯的发放救济金。正如我们上述所说,凯恩斯主义是罗斯福新政的先驱,而新政内容促进了凯恩斯主义的成熟,并带领整个国家走出了经济大萧条的阴影。

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